- Leer Más Code Shortcut:
[posts-style1 show='4' cat='2' excerptlength='13' readmoretext='Leer más']
- Home post
[home-posts limit='3']
- CART Woocommerce:
skt-ele-fashion > templates > head-type4 > find CART line number 62
- Slider not rotating:
Ans: Kindly edit frontpage/slider.php file, go to line number 14 and make below changes:
running: true,
paused: false,
stop: false,
Soporte SKT:
SKT Themes KB (helpscoutdocs.com)
- The Art Theme to Change (+ READ MORE) text:
theart/sktframe/core-posts.php (line no. 181)
- Custom Slider Shortcode Area For Home Page:
[carousel-thumbnail cat="mundo-politico" showposts="10" date="show" author="show" comment="show" posttitle="show" ]
- Custom Slider Shortcode Area for Homepage Layout:
[carousel-thumbnail cat="mundo-politico" showposts="10" date="show" author="show" comment="show" posttitle="show" ]
- Otro:
[carousel-thumbnail-area][carousel-thumbnail cat="" showposts="10"][/carousel-thumbnail-area][tabs_post_area][tabs][tab title="Recientes"][tabs_post cat="" showposts="3"][/tab][tab title="Economía"][tabs_post cat="economia-global" showposts="3"][/tab][tab title="Justicia"][tabs_post cat="derecho-justicia-y-paz" showposts="3"][/tab][/tabs][/tabs_post_area]
- Otro:
[carousel cat="" showposts="8" date="hide" author="hide" comment="hide"]
- Otro:
[listsviewposts cat="" showposts="4" comment="show" date="show" author="hide"]
- Otro:
[listsviewposts-style2 cat="" showposts="6" comment="show" date="show" author="hide"]
[main-slider limit='' category='arte-y-cultura']
- Otro:
[categories-slider limit='']
- Otro:
[hot-news limit='3' category='salud, deportes']
- Otro:
[recent-news limit='3' category='']
- Otro:
[trending-news-slider limit='6' category='']
- Otro:
[celebrities-news limit='6' category='famosos']
- Otro:
[video-posts-slider limit='' category='videos']
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